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CEB umpire list for 2015 released

The Conferderation of European Baseball released an umpire list for the upcoming 2015 season. There are 5 categories of umpires: AAA, AA, A, N and new umpires. You may download the complete list here.



When you get the rank?

AAA   experience in CEB events for at least two years and an average uc points
AA     experience in CEB events for at least two years and an average uc points
A       nominated (new) international umpires

The events you can be invited:

AAA   all CEB events
AA     all CEB events exclusive Euro Cup, Final 4 and European Championships Seniors
A       all CEB events exclusive Euro Cup, Final 4 and European Championships Seniors

The list contains 124 umpires in total: 17 AAA, 24 AA, 48 A, 23 N and 12 new ones.


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